The Diamond Ring…

I was once hired by a bank president to make an anniversary ring “magically” appear at the conclusion of a private dinner party in Connecticut. This was not just an “anniversary ring”, but was an exact copy of his wife’s original engagement ring that was tragically lost years earlier, and for the event, I developed a very special way to make the ring appear that would be both startling and memorable.
On the date of the engagement, I was completing a cruise ship contract in San Francisco. I had scheduled a morning flight to Philadelphia, planned to take a limo to my home in NJ and then drive up to Connecticut for the show late that evening.
As luck would have it, the night before the engagement, one of the propellers of the cruise ship literally “fell off” the ship! It slowed us down considerably and we had to pull into San Francisco on only one propeller — which made us very late!
With meetings between the Cruise Director and the ship’s agent, we found an alternate flight that would allow me just enough time to make the engagement. I flew to Philadelphia, had the driver take me back to NJ allowing me 30 minutes to shower and get in the car for the 3 hour drive to Connecticut. I arrived exhausted, but had a chance to get everything arranged just right and waited for the dinner to finish.
At the conclusion of the meal, I stepped into the private dining room, and proceeded to present a 30 minute intimate “Parlor Show” with plenty of laughs, participation and fun. And without giving the full routine way, I took the objects we were using from one of our tricks and placed them between the wife’s hands and mine. I told her we could change these objects into anything in her life that she wanted — even something perhaps from long, long ago….
The phrasing worked perfectly and she said very definitely, “My engagement ring!”. There was a flash of light and I had her slowly open her hands to reveal that the ring had miraculously appeared there!
People were shocked, the Bank President was beaming and his wife burst into tears of joy!
I silently backed out of the room with one of the most satisfying feelings of my life… I created a moment that she could cherish for years!


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