So Many Different Shows!

Not too long ago, a client in Florida called me and contracted me to perform three different evening shows at three different events!
He explained that the reason he wanted “different” shows was because many of the same people would be attending the various parties. Interestingly enough, two of the performances were on a stage, and one was at a private dinner.
Much of the work in a professional performance is in the planning and design stages that the client never sees.
I divided and structured the material into three completely different 45 minute shows that would each have “a beginning”, “a middle” and “an end” and each would contain some real stunning routines. Each show was designed to work in the appropriate environment, and each show was a hit!
One gentleman who attended all of the shows came up to me after my final show to tell me how amazed he was — not just in the shows — but in the fact that each show was completely different!
It’s an extreme example of why we have such a variety of material, but that variety also benefits clients who have hired us in the past and wants us to give them something more the following year!


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