A Long Lost Poem…

Years ago when I was performing at the Playboy Club in New York City, I was given this poem and had transferred it to my computer and kept it and shared it with other artists for years!
I had a computer crash a few years ago and thought it was gone forever, but recently discovered a copy of it in an old backup file. I hope you enjoy it…


There are none more alone or lonely
Than those who strike out to be different
Those wandering souls obsessed with
chasing rainbows and dreaming dreams.
Going against the odds because of faith and belief .
Faith in their talent-
Belief that they have something to offer

Accepting criticism, ridicule and often laughter
Only to continue to try to be
One of the few who succeed.

They are forever told to “give up, “grow up”
as they wait for even one
To give encouragement and understanding
Someone to holler “stick with it!”

They long for a reason that they have existed
Proof that they left a mark
No matter how small
On even a few lives that their lives have touched.

They are truly a different breed to society
During their struggle, they are “fools”
Once successful, they are “praised” and “accepted”.

Never will there be a greater frustration
Nor a stronger need to be recognized
Than that of the life — of the Artist

(Found inscribed in the heart and soul of an Artist.)



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